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How to share songs from Apple Music and Spotify with the new Facebook Music Stories

Boom in streaming music services

We all know that we are in the middle of a boom in streaming music services , where today Spotify Alternative is at the forefront thanks to its presence and support within a good number of mobile and desktop platforms. 

But Apple wants part of that cake, so it is important to create alliances with the intention of having a greater diffusion.

Facebook is one of those giants where companies want to be, thanks to its more than 1,550 million active users , so the degree of exposure is enormous, hence each movement made by the social network has a significant impact on the world . 

And today we have a new announcement , which comes to make an interesting synergy between streaming music from Apple Music and Spotify natively on Facebook , a feature that is currently exclusive to iOS on iPhone.

Music directly on our timeline

'Music Stories' is only available for iOS on iPhone and consists of having a player directly on our Facebook timeline , which only works for the moment with Spotify and Apple Music, but beware, the audio clips shared by this modality they will be only 30 seconds, because we are facing a way to promote the service, not an extension of it.

The attractive part is that this new playback interface appears natively , with links to characteristics of the service in question, as well as, of course, the option to jump to the application directly.

1. Apple Music

To share music through Music Stories on Facebook, we only need to access the link through the 'share' menu , copy and paste it into a Facebook post, nothing more.

The audio clips are compatible with music from Apple Music or iTunes , and depending on the source and our situation we will see the link, because if we are subscribed to the service, we can listen to the entire song and even add it to our library with a single click, if we are not, it will send us to iTunes to purchase it.

The only problem that we detected is the way to share the songs, since it requires many steps , in addition to the fact that we need to change the application to create a new publication on Facebook, so we miss a direct extension in the share menu to do it simpler, but we assume that will come later.

2. Spotify

The case of Spotify is very similar to what happens with Apple Music, we must access the 'share' menu of the song, and choose " share link of the song ", in order to go to Facebook and paste the link. 

But here we also have an additional option, since within the 'share' menu we have the option 'publish to ...' which in theory allows us to publish directly on Facebook, but unfortunately in our tests this option is still compatible with Music Stories.

As with Apple Music, the Music Stories interface in Spotify will allow us to listen to the song or add it to our library, only here the main difference is that Spotify is 100% integrated with Facebook , in addition to that if we have a Premium account, we can listen to the complete song without leaving the social network.

For this to happen, Facebook will ask us to access Spotify with our username and password , we will do this only once and from now on, all songs will be played in full, in addition to having the Spotify interface within Facebook.

Finally, it should be noted that Music Stories is compatible with complete playlists and albums , so if we paste the link of a list that we have either in Apple Music or Free Spotify, the playback interface on Facebook will show us all the songs included , each with its respective 30-second clip and link to the service.

As I mentioned, Facebook Music Stories is only compatible with iOS on iPhone and for Apple Music, iTunes and Spotify services, but the company has already anticipated that new platforms will be added in the coming months, as well as new music services .

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